My name is Asiana. I do alot of computer stuff such as
thermal paste replacements on macbooks and desktops.

I am able to do any part replacement for macbooks with
litle to no issues as long as it is in the year
2007-2013. I also do basic matinence on alot of laptops.

My favorite accomplishment so far has been building an iPhone 5S
from the case up using parts off iFixit, Ebay, and Amazon.

Just recently, I started fixing and soldering PS2 Consoles,
and then proceeding to sell them after verifying that they
work. I also have been working on other consoles with my
free time in Uni.

On this website, you will find all the intel Mac os X Install apps
along with some of my code and some terminal commands I've
collected over the years.I have also created a list of free programs
that are very helpful with IT work.